[Weaving enterprises take a holiday in advance to concentrate their energy on inventory]
Release date:[2022/12/12] Read a total of[186]time

Occupy textiles, enterprises and anti-gift gifts in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jilu and other places, high inventory, low flow should be down to the characteristics of the textile market.

  A spinning mill in Zhengzhou, Henan Province is mainly engaged in production, field acres, network money, spinning, hemp and the following yarn branches, the previous inventory is high, the enterprise decided to issue holidays every month, but all sales teams continue to be on the job, insist on going to inventory. Those who have a husband are not people. There is a textile enterprise in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, which is now preventing, and if it has a way, it is also based on people."

  If there are three husbands, they will take it and they will take it. On a certain day in February, Jiangsu Nantong has a surname of an enterprise called introduction, most of the local imprints, enterprises will from, every season, still after next spring, there are also some of the desire for meritorious work, in a month of completion of the day, waiting for regularity. One of them, In previous years, February was the busiest printing and dyeing enterprises around the world, but this year it was very popular.

  According to reports, the recent living there to give charity emotions is always stable, but manufacturers generally reflect that there are no orders, and inventory rises rapidly. On a certain day in the third month, the person in charge of a factory in Yancheng, Zhejiang Province, introduced that the current period is stable compared with the previous week's flat price compared with the previous week. However, local businesses for the inventory has been high, do not exceed the day. Weaving enterprises are difficult to burden, and lending energy to inventory in advance has become the only choice.

  From the perspective of the entire industrial chain, the yarn market is characterized by high inventory, yarn prices falling endlessly, there is no benefit in seeking studies, and there is great pressure on money, although the price of the weaving industry is stable, but there is no consumption downstream, and life is more difficult. Therefore, it is difficult for textile mills to effectively destock.

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