[Why Polyester factory promotion?]
Release date:[2024/5/27] Read a total of[137]time

At present, the 618 promotion, the major e-commerce platforms have opened the promotion mode, consumers have also begun to "buy buy buy", while the price is cheap, a large number of purchases of goods, some budget-oriented consumers, taking advantage of this wave of concessions, to buy some necessities for a long time in the future.

Recently, the textile market has also started its own "618".

Beginning last weekend, some polyester factories to make profit promotion, stack the recent PX, PTA and other raw material prices rebounded, weaving enterprises opened the "buy buy buy" mode, a large number of inventory replenishment, May 20, the market polyester sales rate came to 300%, some factories even sold 800%, a day sold nearly 10 days of inventory.

Why Polyester factory promotion?

Many enterprises participate in 618, promotion profit, is to exchange price for quantity, reduce the pressure on inventory, polyester filament recent profit behavior to a certain extent, follow this logic.

After the May Day, some polyester factories were troubled by inventory factors, according to China silk network data monitoring shows that at the high point, the overall inventory of the polyester market is concentrated in 14-28 days; In terms of specific products, the POY inventory is 14-28 days, the FDY inventory is near 13-26 days, and the DTY inventory is about 13-28 days, the overall level is at a high level.

In order to reduce inventory, on the one hand, polyester factories choose to cut prices to yield profits, taking POY 150D as an example, the recent transaction price has been close to the low level in three years.

On the other hand, some polyester factories have also reduced the capacity utilization rate, and some polyester filament devices have stopped in Xiaoshan area since May due to boiler transformation, device failure and other reasons. In addition, there is also news in the market in early May that polyester filament leads spontaneously reduce the insured price and reduce supply, but the actual landing scale needs to be verified. From the data point of view, the capacity utilization rate of polyester equipment has fallen below 90% to 86.44%.

In general, whether it is promotion or lower start, in order to reduce inventory, polyester factories have really taken a lot of brains.

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