[The development and application of flame retardant staple fibers have attracted the attention of various industries.]
Release date:[2019/9/2] Read a total of[644]time

Fire hazards are ubiquitous. Every year, tens of thousands of fires occur in China, and textile materials are used in clothing and family life. In many cases, textiles become fire-burning substances, releasing toxic gases and directly igniting fires.

In some special occasions, such as firefighters, steel workers, electric welders, chemical factory workers, oil refinery workers, oil field drillers, and other military uniforms, the warfighter's combat uniforms need flame retardant functions, but also need to resist There is no need to melt droplets to avoid secondary burns. In many civilian occasions, such as hotels, halls, and stage decorations, such as seat covers, curtains, bed furniture, and other clothing for airplanes, trains, and automobiles, etc., should also have flame retardant functions.

History of flame retardant (flame retardant staple fiber) technology

China's flame retardant technology began in the 1950s to study the temporary flame retardant finishing of cotton fabrics, but the development is slow; durable cotton flame retardant textiles appeared in the 1960s; flame retardant developed in the 1970s The agent began to study the flame retardant technology of synthetic fibers and blended fabrics. In the 1980s, flame retardant fabrics entered a new period of development. Many units developed flame retardants and finishing techniques for cotton, polyester and blended fabrics and flame retardant synthesis. fiber. In general, flame retardant fiber products are in the stage of rapid development research.

There are many types of flame retardant fibers, and a large number of studies have proved that fabrics made of flame retardant staple fibers have certain advantages.

In the past ten years, high-rise houses and hotels have been built in China, and the flame retardant requirements for interior decoration products are getting higher and higher. Some industrialized countries have long established textile flame retardant regulations, which stipulate that curtains and credits in public places such as theaters, hospitals, hotels, etc., and clothing fabrics for the elderly, children, and disabled people must meet certain flame retardant standards. The development and application of flame retardant staple fibers and textiles have received more and more attention from the society.

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